Does motivation play a major role in life?
To understand this question we need to first look at what is motivation ?
Motivation is something that guide us to do better and inspire to do more of it. According to psychology motivation is an urge to behave or act in a way that will satisfy certain conditions, such as wishes, desires, or goals. A person will work hard in school, in sports, in business, in music, and in many other situations, if s/he has a very strong need for achievement. Hence, motives are the general states that enable us to make predictions about behaviour in many different situations. In other words, motivation is one of the determinants of behaviour.
Is motivation important in everyday life ? Is it even essential of us ?
I would say yes, motivation is an essential life skill. The reason it’s vital is because everyone on this earth is different and has a purpose. To provost your purpose well, you have to be motivated to work towards your goals which helps your dreams become a reality. Desires or goals are the first step of a ladder towards your dreams. So in order to fulfill them, you need motivation to keep you chugging along towards them.
Motivation can also aid you personally to be the best of you and helps professionally as well. This can result in increasing the confidence, improves relationship status etc. It has been seen in researches that people who are highly motivated have high self confidence as compare to those who are not. It has been observed that many health benefits of increased motivation. Motivation as a psychological state is linked to our physiology. When we lack on being motivated our mental functioning and well-being suffer.
“Impossible says,I’m possible try and try again then you will reach your goal”. It means if we get motivation or we get motivated we can achieve anything and everything we aspire to achieve.
Are there different types of motivation ? And what does these different types of motivation do ?
There are three types of motivation such as extrinsic, intrinsic and addiction.
- Intrinsic- The source of intrinsic motivation is internal rewards and reinforces. Example: joy, relief, achievement and sense of competence.
- Extrinsic- The source of intrinsic motivation is external rewards and reinforces. Example: money, praise, awards, recognition and benefits.
- Addiction- Addiction is a source of motivation but unhealthy and toxic. An activity’s rewards fall off and only the reinforces remain. Example: shame, guilt, withdrawal, anxiety for not engaging in a particular activity.
Motivation is crucial for each one of us. It is important to being alive. We can’t live our daily life happily without get motivated. Motivation is the presence of purpose and desire to achieve something in career and business. Just an example, Motivation helps us to get up early in morning and do some productive work to make our day purposeful. Motivation is like a key to our success which helps us being alive and remain positive.
-Kriti Anand
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